Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Well, here we go...

Hey there all who read this. This is my first time doing this so I'm not quite sure the outcome of this. I just hope it makes SOME sense to someone at one time or another. Anyway, my wife, Lenna does this all the time and let me be the first to say; she's the gifted one at doing these. So I don't think I'll have as many great revelations or words of wisdom as she does, but I hope that what I do put on here will speak to someone's heart. Anyway, that's all I have for right now.


Anonymous said...

hey there Hawaiian ~~~good to see you on here. Just to let you know, you have an amazing ability to reach people for the Lord. He gives you great wisdom and He speaks through you!~~~i personally am looking forward to reading the revelation that God shares through you ... as well as your awesome sense of humor... Just be real my friend and have fun

Anonymous said...

that was supposed to say, "Hawaiian Warrior".. don't know what happened :)